New to the world of essential oils? If so, you probably have many questions and one of them is how many drops of oil should go into your diffuser. But you should know that on average a diffuser comes with a container where it is recommended to use 100 ml of water.

For that amount of water the number of drops you should use is 3 to 5 of your favorite essential oils. Of course, you can add more oil if you want a stronger smell or if the space is too big. In a large room it is better to work with more drops.

There is another factor that comes into play when it comes to the amount of drops you should put in your diffuser. We are referring to your personal tastes, if you like strong smells, you can perfectly increase the amount of essential oil drops used.

Essential Oil Drops to Diffuser Size:

Usually 1 oz bottle of essential oil contains 600 drops. Between 3 to 5 drops of an essential oil are recommended to use in a diffuser, if the diffuser’s size is 100 ml.

3 drops is the standard amount that can be used when you first start using essential oils, if you are using an aroma diffuser for the first time. It’s recommended to start from the lowest amount of essential oil drops and then increase the amount to 5 drops.

As you get used to the new aroma you can increase or decrease the amount of essential oil drops depending on the scent effect you want to achieve.

Here is a table with the recommended quantities of drops, according to the size of your diffuser.

Diffuser size Number of drops
100 ml 3 to 5
200 ml 6 to 10
300 ml 9 to 12
400 ml 12 to 15
500 ml 15 to 20

Can you mix essential oils in a diffuser?

Of course you can mix oils in a diffuser. They are ideal for doing so, but if you are just starting out you can experiment with one oil and then try two oils and then three. They can be your favorite essences, but you must always take care that they are from the same therapeutic group.

Calm Down:

If you want to calm down and have a refreshing sleep you can mix fragrances that have those effects. For example, lavender, ylang ylang and essential oil of incense. All 3 oils have relaxing, anti-stress and insomnia properties. Put it in your bedroom about 30 minutes before you go to sleep, so your body will absorb all the properties of each oil.

To Focus:

In case you want to focus, perform better at work or college, you can even use it with your children and improve their concentration. The essential oils that have properties for that are; rosemary, cedar, patchouli and eucalyptus. With a mixture of some of these oils you will be able to improve the focus of your attention or that of your children. Placing it while working or studying has very good effects.

Improve Mood

Finally, to improve mood and increase happiness. The right essential oils for this are ruby grapefruit, verbena, lemon and orange. Each has properties that act on the state of mind, coming to revitalize you in low moments.

Using essential oils properly is the secret to getting the most out of them.

A Young Living Essential Oil diffuser is a device that allows you to combine water with a minimal amount of  YL essential oils, for the purpose of dispersing a mist into the air, offering many aromatherapy benefits

To learn more about essential oils, visit our essential oil uses and benefits page with over 100 different ways you can use essential oils to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Can you put too much essential oil in a diffuser?

It is important that you do not put too much oil into your diffuser. It is not recommended to do so, remember that essential oils are highly concentrated and a few small drops will do.

If you put too much essential oil in your diffuser you will overload the air in your home with fragrance. This has negative effects, and can irritate your nose when inhaled. This only achieves the opposite of the desired effect, as it seeks to refresh the environment and maintain the therapeutic effects. Something that with large quantities is lost and can be annoying.

We give you an example, if you have a 100 ml diffuser, you cannot put 10 drops of essential oil in it. The aroma dispersed in the air will be very charged and you run the risk of nasal irritation. This way you lose the opportunity to have a place to relax and breathe better.

In short, you should not put too much essential oil in your diffuser, it is counterproductive.

Signs That You’ve Used Too Much Essential Oil

If you feel any of these symptoms, this means that you might be heavy handed with how much essential oil you’re putting into your diffuser.

  • Headache or migraine
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

If it’s your first time using essential oils or pairing them with a home diffuser, the rule “less is more” should guide you. Start with less drops first and then adjust the amount later on to suit the size of your room and your individual taste.

How many drops of essential oil do you put in a 300 ml diffuser?

As shown in the table above the amount for a 300 ml diffuser is 9 to 12 drops of essential oil. Always taking into account the size of the room where you want to diffuse the aroma of the oils.

The ideal is that the aroma is light, not saturate the environment is recommended. If you want something a little strong, because it is your taste, try a couple of drops more. Also take into account the range of your diffuser, because, if it reaches to disperse about 30 square meters, so put more oil will not work well a room of 50 square meters.

Follow the recommendations of the manufacturers, in case you have any doubts about how many drops of essential oil to put in a 300 ml diffuser.

How many drops of essential oil should you put in a 500ml diffuser?

Diffusers do come in different sizes, but these are usually in 100ml increments, and therefore calculating the number of drops of essential oil to add is relatively easy. The smallest, 100ml diffusers will take 3-5 drops on average, while the largest, 500ml diffusers will require 15-20 drops.

Become A Young Living Distributor!

Our mission is simple: provide valuable education and resources on essential oils to every person interested in enhancing their mind, body, and spirit. We offer information on Young Living essential oils, the purest, most authentic essential oils created through an intense production process and a total commitment to quality and service. We know that every person, every family, and every lifestyle can benefit from the holistic benefits that essential oils and essential oil blends can provide. It’s an honor to be part of your family’s health and well-being, and one that we take seriously.

Young Living works with loyal and knowledgeable distributors to provide the most personal and convenient sales and service experience for valued customers. In doing so, they are able to help thousands of individuals reach their dreams of financial independence and total lifestyle design. Mi Essential Oils is here to offer support on your journey to becoming a Young Living distributor.

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