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One of the most enjoyable ways to experience essential oils is by using them in a diffuser. The diffuser utilizes water and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to create a fragrant well-being mist throughout the atmosphere in your home. Diffusers are available in a variety of sizes and you will want to make sure the one you are using is of adequate size to disperse properly in the square footage of the room it is placed in.

Smaller diffusers work well in smaller rooms while larger diffusers provide maximum essential oil benefits in larger rooms. Acquiring and using the ultrasonic diffuser is only a portion of the process. You must properly clean your diffuser to ensure it is working at top performance.

Before You start Cleaning Your Diffuser

Before you begin the cleaning process for your essential oil diffuser you should first consult the operating guide that came with it. While most diffusers clean with the same methods, there are some that have specific care instructions. A quick once over on the care and cleaning section will alert you to any cleaning differences that may exist between your various diffusers.  If you have misplaced your care pamphlet then you can easily email or call your essential oil representative or go directly to the diffusers manufacturer website and contact them directly for cleaning and care tips.

Essential Oil Diffusers

An essential oil diffuser is an appliance like a cool mist humidifier that you can add drops of essential oils to. The essential oils make your home smell good without any artificial chemicals. Plus, you get the aromatherapy benefits of whichever oil you choose.

Essential oil diffusers can easily be cleaned by using a solution of vinegar and water or rubbing alcohol and water. The oils that you are diffusing can leave a small bit of residue inside of the diffusers. The water should have evaporated out but sometimes small droplets can remain in the spout and a residue will remain.

You must get accustomed to the general upkeep of your diffuser because it can be quite costly to replace if it is not properly maintained and it can also be expensive to have professionally cleaned. A great general rule of thumb is to clean your diffuser every 72 hours. If you are switching oils and diffusing one type one day and a different essential oil the next day you must clean the diffuser between each of these uses rather than waiting 72 hours.

Diffuser Cleaning Process

The entire cleaning process can take as little as an hour or as long as 24 hours; this depends upon how much residue must be removed. To start add about 10 to 12 drops of pure vinegar to fresh water in the basin of your diffuser and then diffuse that until it is empty. Once the diffuser is empty take a clean cotton cloth and wipe down the interior of the diffuser. Take a cotton swab and rub the inside of the diffuser in any tight spots or corners that the clean rag could not reach. You can also dip this cotton swab in pure vinegar or rubbing alcohol to ensure that any hard to reach space is truly sanitized.

After you have wiped your diffuser clean you will need to do a thorough inspection of the entire unit. If you notice any residue you will need to do a bit more cleaning. If there is no residue then you have a sanitized and well cleaned diffuser and can begin using it for any essential oil scent again.  To remove any of the stubborn stuck on residue you will need to enhance your cleaning methods and break out the rubbing alcohol.

The basin of the unit can be filled to the fill line with pure vinegar and the lid to the diffuser can be soaked in a bowl with rubbing alcohol. It is important to make sure the motor is not submerged; this will ruin the unit. Let both pieces soak for 24 hours then dump the vinegar from the basin and remove the lid from the rubbing alcohol. Wipe both parts clean. This should remove any remaining stubborn residue.

EO Diffuser Upkeep

The more frequently you properly clean your essential oil diffuser the less difficult caked on residue you will have to invest time and effort into removing. Cleaning your diffuser should be as routine as washing the dishes. If you let your dirty dishes reside in your sink or dishwasher for any lengthy period of time it will be much more difficult to get them perfectly clean; the same is true for your essential oil diffuser. You need to treat your diffuser as you would a portable humidifier. There is liquid content that can become compromised over time when it is forgotten.

If you forget about the contents for an extended period of time then a harmful mold can even develop. You invested a lot of time and money into your essential oils and diffuser because you know your well-being is important. With this in mind, the well-being of your diffuser is also important. If you find yourself forgetting to routinely clean the ultrasonic diffuser then you will need to set reminders. You may have multiple diffusers of various sizes throughout your home or even in your automobile and office space. 

How Often To Clean your Diffuser

So it is a good rule of thumb to clean your essential oil diffuser after each use. Even if you don’t run the vinegar water mix for 3-5 minutes, be sure to drain your diffuser completely and place a little vinegar on a paper towel, or cloth and wipe it out.

By cleaning your diffuser after each use you are…

  • prolonging the life of your machine
  • preventing left over oils from blending with the next oils
  • preventing corrosion on any of the parts of your diffuser

Different EO Diffusers

Regardless of the type of diffuser you have, learning how to clean your diffuser is important to ensure its longevity. If left for too long, essential oils or any leftover water can corrode and ruin your unit, and can also negatively affect your aromatic experience when there’s an array of essential oil residue in the diffuser—imagine trying to diffuse Rose after diffusing basil!

To keep your essential oil diffuser in perfect running condition for years to come, clean your diffuser after each use by wiping it out and letting it dry before using it again. For a quick clean, it is a good idea to diffuse Lemon oil for a short time. This makes it easier to clean out any residue or water lines before you wipe it out. For diffusers that do not use water, make sure to rinse out the nozzle with tap water and then wipe it clean.

We also recommend that you deep clean your essential oil diffusers once a month or as needed.

How to Deep-Clean an Ultrasonic Diffuser:

  1. Turn off your diffuser.
  2. Fill the water reservoir halfway to the line with clean water.
  3. Add 10 drops of pure white vinegar to the water reservoir.
  4. Turn it on and let run for 3-5 minutes, allowing the vinegar to disperse throughout.
  5. Drain the water reservoir completely.
  6. Dip a cotton swab in white vinegar and wipe down the edges of the water reservoir as well as the ultrasonic mist chip.
  7. Rinse the water reservoir with clean water.
  8. Wipe the reservoir with a dry cloth and let air dry before using it again.

How to Deep-Clean a Nebulizing Diffuser

  1. Completely submerse the quick-change top in rubbing alcohol for 30–60 minutes.
  2. Wipe clean with a dry cloth.

Keeping a clean diffuser allows for the best possible experience in using your doTERRA essential oils aromatically.

Utilizing Diffusers

You are utilizing these essential oils and their diffusers because you care about your health and wellness. You know how essential and important your oils are and you enjoy the effects that they have on you. If you neglect your diffusers you cannot enjoy the aromatherapy that your oils provide for you. It is in your own health benefit to maintain sanitized and properly functioning essential oil diffusers